Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Technologies in Organizational Processes †

Question: Discuss about the Technologies in Organizational Processes. Answer: Introduction Technology has brought so many changes in the world. Real tech is an organization that is specialized in developing and deployment of new technology and information systems. The main aim of this organization is to stay in present with latest trends and technology capabilities to provide outstanding services to the customers. It is the report which is going to make on the proposal of ERP application software in RealTech. It will cover the kinds of ERP software applications that offers integrate management to operate the business. One specific ERP software application will be chosen for the RealTech organization and its feature will be discussed. ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning which is considered as business process software that permit an organization to employ an integrated software applications to handle the business and other major functions regarding technology, services and human resources (Y?ld?z Y?ld?z, 2014). It enhances the business cycles and able to improve the reliability of data and provide upper level of services to the customers and partners. It is able to give visibility about real time into the key business metrics for effective decision making (Olson, Chae Sheu, 2013). It is an ERP software application which is friendly for users because it is easy to understand and help organization to take importance decision in the context of management solutions. It is a suite of open source application of business that facilitates companies to enhance its sales rapidly. It is helpful software application to organize marketing activities and boost productivity. Infor ERP system is able to keep the information about all departments. It collects and organizes data from all departments. It is able to accomplish the task of the organization within time frame. Comparison between software application Oracle E business suit Microsoft dynamics Odoo Infor ERP System It provides facility for making decision fast. It is fast and easy to understand. It is able to find the errors and fix the issues rapidly. It provides entire solution for different level of business. It is able to complete the task of centralizing time. The main advantages point of this software that it is cloud based and allows employees to work from anywhere. The process of this software is smooth process learning. It is able to handle the accounting department (Hall Wimmer, 2016). The advantages of Odoo are that it is smart and allows making customized solutions. Older own hosted version can be migrated easily in to ODOO cloud in very short span of time. It can collect data and organize in well manner from every department. The disadvantages of this software application are that the learning curve of this software is little high and it requires some cross referencing for the invoice in the Microsoft excel. The training program is required to understand the all functions regarding this software application. The initial set is complicated. Due to lots of features that are continuously growing. The behaviour of this application is quirky and terrible user interface. Selection of the most suitable ERP application software for RealTech There are description of various applications of ERP software has been made. The most suitable ERP software application for RealTech would be Dynamic ERP Software. It has been chosen for Real Tech because it has several features that are able to fulfill the demand and desire of the organization. Microsoft Dynamic is a line of integrated and flexible business management solutions that is able to make essential decisions with greater confidence. It is easy to understand and has many features which are required by the organization for its each department. It can decrease the risk intrinsic with executing a new solution. These solutions computerize and rationalize financial, supply chain processes and customer relationship in a way that can facilitates organization to drive business growth. It is the software which is used by number of companies to resolve the queries in efficient manner. It is able to provide support for not only one department but also all department of organization (Nwankpa, 2015). It would be helpful for the RealTech to handle the management in effect way and bring more innovations so that business can get success progressively. Other Microsoft programs can be used with Microsoft programs and services such as office 365, Yammer, Azure, Outlook and Share poin t. Benefit of Microsoft Dynamic software in RealTech organization It would be advantageous in the operations of RealTech. Dynamic is east to use and understand that is why it is adapted by many organization for the growth of the business. The integration of this software is easy with other products of Microsoft. RealTech does not require touching it frequently after configuration of software elements. It enhances the productivity of the employee progressively because it reduces the extra effort and save time effectively. It would allow company to do faster trouble shooting (Parr, Shanks Darke, 2011). It would be helpful for increasing the sales and customer services. It offers firm capabilities to manage the financial management and human resource. RealTech gets benefits from marketing as well because Microsoft dynamics is able to provide efficient functional support for manufacturing and distributing. It is highly configurable and it is able to provide the market solutions due to having vertical partners (Harris Schultz, 2016). As per case study , RealTech is facing issues regarding keeping information systems efficient and integrated. In the term of holistic ERP incorporates 5 functions such as finance, logistic, CRM, Human resources and manufacturing. It includes certain features such as sales force automation, marketing automation, real time information and dashboards. Sales force automation is a process that is able to offer an entire activity of 360 degree picture of the clients. It enhances the opportunities of sales and fulfills the order effectively. In the context of marketing automation, ERP integration is able to produce capable leads, rationalize sales process, and handle multi channel marketing promotion and make association between marketing and sales (Alcivar Abad, 2016). The proposed software for RealTech organization is able to monitor transaction in real time. Integration of ERP with supply chain management allows business of manufacturing and distribution so that RealTech could attain huge visibility into all operations and would be able to increase the sales and efficiency and speed by providing overall customer satisfaction. The integration of proposed ERP software with supply chain management improves productivity across multiple departments and working of RealTech within the supply chain. It would be able to improve the customer services for the purpose of enhancing the retention of customer and enhance the opportunities to get the order from same customers. Dynamic software would be able to reduce the operational cost and give opportunity to the RealTech to invest (Al-Ghofaili Al-Mashari, 2014). Integration with Accounting and finances Integration of ERP with accounting and finance improve the data accurateness and effectiveness by mechanize key process. With the help of Microsoft Dynamics, it would be able to reduce the cost and improve the productivity of the employee. Solution of the issues can be resolved hastily and easily with the help of Dynamic software (Xu, 2017). RealTech organization does not enquire to invest its time on certain issues for resolving. It has the capability of simulation which influence of posting to the general ledger prior to the actual update. It allows management of RealTech to response hastily to all measurements of key financial involving, inventory management, profit and loss, cost of sales and variances. Proposed software allows madmen to track information throughout the year. It would be helpful for the organization to maintain the attendance records with entire information such as absenteeism, half day and many more. Company cost can be modified and evaluated with the help of proposed software. The software integrated with human resource in the context of maintaining the records and reporting while information. It provides benefits such as enhance the insight of organization, store and access entire information regarding employee at one place, personalize role centers to speed productivity and able to give efficient online access on the portal of employee (Tectura, 2011). Conclusion It has been concluded that ERP software application is able to provide the efficient capability to the organization for managing the different department effectively. It is the report which is made on the RealTech organization and discussion has been made on various kind of ERP software such as Oracle E business suit Microsoft dynamics, Oddo and Infor ERP system. The proposed ERP software for RealTech organization was Microsoft Dynamics. It is the software which has lots of features such as it allows company to work faster by resolving the query hastily and it is easy to understand. The negative influence of this software is that it is little bit typical while setting up initially and training is required for understanding the program and function of this software. Although, it has negative aspect but once it got understood, it becomes easier to handle for the operation. References Alcivar, I., Abad, A. G. (2016). Design and evaluation of a gamified system for ERP training.Computers in Human Behavior,58, 109-118. Al-Ghofaili, A. A., Al-Mashari, M. A. (2014). ERP system adoption traditional ERP systems vs. cloud-based ERP systems. InInnovative Computing Technology (INTECH), 2014 Fourth International Conference on(pp. 135-139). IEEE. Hall, K. D., Wimmer, H. W. (2016). 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